Why is the Count Different for Cross Join in PySpark with or without Join Condition?
Image by Wernher - hkhazo.biz.id

Why is the Count Different for Cross Join in PySpark with or without Join Condition?

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Are you puzzled by the varying count results when performing a cross join in PySpark with or without a join condition? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of PySpark and explore the reasons behind this phenomenon. Buckle up, and let’s dive into the fascinating realm of data manipulation!

What is a Cross Join?

In PySpark, a cross join, also known as a Cartesian product, is a type of join operation that combines two DataFrames by creating a new DataFrame with all possible combinations of rows from both DataFrames. It’s like pairing every row in one DataFrame with every row in the other DataFrame, resulting in a massive DataFrame with an enormous number of rows!

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("Cross Join Example").getOrCreate()

df1 = spark.createDataFrame([(1, "a"), (2, "b"), (3, "c")], ["id", "value"])
df2 = spark.createDataFrame([(10, "x"), (20, "y"), (30, "z")], ["id", "value"])

# Perform a cross join without a join condition
cross_join_result = df1.crossJoin(df2)


The output will be:

id value id value
1 a 10 x
1 a 20 y
1 a 30 z
2 b 10 x
2 b 20 y
2 b 30 z
3 c 10 x
3 c 20 y
3 c 30 z

Counting the Rows

Now, let’s count the number of rows in our cross join result:


The output will be:


As expected, the count is 9, which is the product of the number of rows in both DataFrames (3 rows in `df1` and 3 rows in `df2`).

Introducing the Join Condition

What if we want to join the two DataFrames based on a common column? In this case, let’s say we want to join on the `id` column. We can do this by adding a join condition:

from pyspark.sql.functions import col

# Perform a cross join with a join condition
cross_join_result_with_condition = df1.crossJoin(df2).where(col("id") == col("id"))


The output will be an empty DataFrame, as there are no matching `id` values between the two DataFrames.

| id|value| id|value|
|   |     |   |     |

The Count Conundrum

Now, let’s count the number of rows in our cross join result with the join condition:


The output will be:


Wait, what? The count is 0! But why? Didn’t we perform a cross join, which should result in a massive DataFrame?

The Reason Behind the Discrepancy

The reason for the differing count results lies in the way PySpark handles joins. When you perform a cross join without a join condition, PySpark creates a Cartesian product of the two DataFrames, which results in a massive DataFrame with an enormous number of rows.

However, when you add a join condition, PySpark optimizes the join operation by applying the condition before creating the Cartesian product. In our case, the join condition `col(“id”) == col(“id”)` filters out all rows, resulting in an empty DataFrame.

This optimization is known as join reordering, which allows PySpark to push down the join condition to the earliest possible stage of the query execution plan. This optimization reduces the computational cost of the join operation and ensures that only relevant rows are processed.


In conclusion, the count difference between a cross join with and without a join condition in PySpark is due to the join reordering optimization. When a join condition is present, PySpark applies the condition before creating the Cartesian product, which can result in a significantly smaller or even empty DataFrame. Without a join condition, PySpark creates the full Cartesian product, leading to a massive DataFrame with an enormous number of rows.

By understanding this subtlety, you’ll be able to write more efficient and optimized PySpark code, avoiding common pitfalls and ensuring that your data manipulation tasks are executed with precision and speed.

Key Takeaways

  • A cross join in PySpark without a join condition creates a Cartesian product of the two DataFrames.
  • A cross join with a join condition applies the condition before creating the Cartesian product, which can result in a smaller or empty DataFrame.
  • Join reordering optimization allows PySpark to push down the join condition to the earliest possible stage of the query execution plan.
  • The count difference between a cross join with and without a join condition is due to the join reordering optimization.

Now, go forth and conquer the world of PySpark data manipulation!

Frequently Asked Question

When working with PySpark, have you ever wondered why the count is different when using a cross join with or without a join condition? Let’s dive into the world of PySpark and explore the reasons behind this phenomenon!

Why does the count change when I add a join condition to a cross join in PySpark?

When you add a join condition to a cross join, PySpark applies the filter to the resulting Cartesian product, reducing the number of rows. This is because the join condition acts as a filter, allowing only the rows that meet the specified condition to pass through. In contrast, a plain cross join without a condition returns all possible combinations of rows from both dataframes, resulting in a much larger count.

What happens when I use a cross join without a join condition in PySpark?

When you perform a cross join without a join condition, PySpark returns the Cartesian product of the two dataframes, which means each row from the left dataframe is paired with every row from the right dataframe. This results in a massive expansion of the data, often leading to a huge count. Be cautious when using cross joins without conditions, as they can lead to performance issues and data explosions!

Can I use a cross join with a filter instead of a join condition in PySpark?

Yes, you can! Instead of using a join condition, you can apply a filter to the resulting cross-join dataframe. This filter will reduce the count, but it’s essential to note that the filter will be applied after the cross join, which means PySpark will still generate the massive Cartesian product before applying the filter. This approach can be less efficient than using a join condition, especially for large datasets.

Why do I get different results when using a cross join with a join condition versus a filter in PySpark?

The main reason for the difference lies in the order of operations. When you use a join condition, PySpark applies the condition during the join process, reducing the number of rows before generating the resulting dataframe. In contrast, when you use a filter, PySpark generates the full Cartesian product and then applies the filter, which can lead to different results due to the order of operations. This difference in behavior can significantly impact performance and accuracy.

How can I optimize my PySpark code to handle large datasets with cross joins?

To optimize your PySpark code, consider using join conditions instead of filters, and apply filtering before performing the cross join. Additionally, try to reduce the size of your datasets by applying filters, aggregating, or sampling before joining. Finally, consider using data partitioning and parallel processing to distribute the workload and speed up the computation.

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