Trouble with Only Read User in Postgresql? Fix It Like a Pro!
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Trouble with Only Read User in Postgresql? Fix It Like a Pro!

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Are you stuck with a Postgresql database that’s throwing “only read” errors left and right? Do you feel like you’re banging your head against the wall trying to figure out why your user can’t seem to write to the database? Well, fear not, dear developer! We’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of Postgresql’s only read user issue and provide you with clear, step-by-step instructions to fix it like a pro.

What is an Only Read User in Postgresql?

An only read user in Postgresql is a database user who has been granted read-only privileges on a specific database or schema. This means they can only view data, but not modify or delete it. While this can be useful for certain use cases, such as creating a read-only replica for reporting purposes, it can also cause headaches when you need to make changes to your database.

Symptoms of an Only Read User Issue

So, how do you know if you’re dealing with an only read user issue? Here are some common symptoms:

  • Error messages mentioning “only read” or “read-only” privileges
  • Users unable to insert, update, or delete data
  • Queries timing out or failing with permission errors
  • Inability to create or alter database objects (e.g., tables, indexes, views)

Causes of Only Read User Issues

Before we dive into the fix, let’s take a closer look at what might be causing the issue in the first place:

  1. Misconfigured user privileges: If the user’s privileges are not set correctly, they may not have the necessary permissions to write to the database.
  2. Database or schema ownership: If the user doesn’t own the database or schema, they may not have the necessary permissions to make changes.
  3. Row-level security (RLS) policies: RLS policies can restrict access to certain rows or columns, causing users to receive only read errors.
  4. Locks and transactions: If a user is holding a lock on a table or row, they may not be able to make changes due to transactional conflicts.

Fixing the Only Read User Issue

Now that we’ve covered the causes, let’s get to the good stuff – fixing the issue! Here are the step-by-step instructions to get your user writing to the database in no time:

Step 1: Check User Privileges

First, let’s take a look at the user’s privileges:

psql -U postgres

\du username

This will show you the user’s current privileges. Look for any “GRANT” statements that might be limiting their access. You can also use the following query to check the user’s permissions:

SELECT privilege_type
FROM information_schema.role_table_grants
WHERE grantee = 'username';

Step 2: Grant Necessary Privileges

Now, let’s grant the necessary privileges to the user:


Replace “dbname” and “schemaname” with the actual names of your database and schema, respectively. This will give the user all privileges on the specified database and schema.

Step 3: Check Database and Schema Ownership

Next, let’s check the ownership of the database and schema:



This will show you the ownership of the database and schema. If the user doesn’t own the database or schema, you can use the following commands to alter ownership:

ALTER DATABASE dbname OWNER TO username;
ALTER SCHEMA schemaname OWNER TO username;

Step 4: Check RLS Policies

If you’re using RLS policies, let’s take a look at them:

SHOW row_level_security;

This will show you a list of all RLS policies currently in effect. If you find a policy that’s causing the issue, you can use the following command to disable it:


Step 5: Check Locks and Transactions

Finally, let’s check for any locks or transactions that might be holding up the user:

SELECT * FROM pg_locks WHERE granted = false;
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE state = 'idle in transaction';

If you find any locks or transactions causing issues, you can use the following commands to terminate them:



And there you have it! With these steps, you should be able to fix the only read user issue in Postgresql and get your user writing to the database in no time. Remember to always check the user’s privileges, database and schema ownership, RLS policies, and locks and transactions to identify and resolve the root cause of the issue.

Bonus Tip: Preventing Future Issues

To prevent similar issues in the future, consider:

  • Regularly auditing user privileges and permissions
  • Implementing role-based access control (RBAC) for easier privilege management
  • Using transactional DDL statements to minimize locking issues
  • Monitoring database performance and activity to catch potential issues early
Solution Pros Cons
Granting necessary privileges Easy to implement, grants specific permissions May not be suitable for large numbers of users
Altering database and schema ownership Quick fix, grants full control May have security implications, requires careful consideration
Disabling RLS policies Quick fix, resolves permission issues May compromise security, requires careful consideration
Terminating locks and transactions Resolves immediate issue, quick fix May cause data inconsistencies, requires careful consideration

By following these steps and tips, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the only read user issue in Postgresql and ensuring that your database is running smoothly and securely.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Trouble with only read user in Postgresql” in a creative tone and voice:

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with only read user in Postgresql? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

What is a read-only user in Postgresql?

A read-only user in Postgresql is a user that has been granted the ability to only read data from a database, but not modify or delete it. This is a useful role for users who need to access data but shouldn’t be able to change it.

How do I create a read-only user in Postgresql?

To create a read-only user in Postgresql, you can use the following command: `CREATE ROLE readonly WITH PASSWORD ‘your_password’; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE your_table TO readonly;` Replace `your_password` with the desired password and `your_table` with the name of the table you want to grant access to.

Can I grant read-only access to a specific schema in Postgresql?

Yes, you can grant read-only access to a specific schema in Postgresql using the following command: `GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA your_schema TO readonly; GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA your_schema TO readonly;` Replace `your_schema` with the name of the schema you want to grant access to.

How do I revoke read-only access from a user in Postgresql?

To revoke read-only access from a user in Postgresql, you can use the following command: `REVOKE SELECT ON TABLE your_table FROM readonly;` Replace `your_table` with the name of the table you want to revoke access to. If you want to revoke access to an entire schema, use `REVOKE USAGE ON SCHEMA your_schema FROM readonly;`.

Are there any limitations to using read-only users in Postgresql?

Yes, there are some limitations to using read-only users in Postgresql. For example, read-only users cannot execute functions or stored procedures that modify data, and they may not be able to use certain features like cursors or row-level security.

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