Mastering Views that Display and Modify Elements from an Array in Swift/SwiftUI/MVVM: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Mastering Views that Display and Modify Elements from an Array in Swift/SwiftUI/MVVM: A Step-by-Step Guide

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When building a mobile app using Swift, SwiftUI, and the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture, one of the most common challenges developers face is handling views that display and modify elements from an array. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of array-driven views and explore the best practices for tackling this complex task. So, buckle up and let’s get started!

Understanding the Problem

Imagine you’re building a to-do list app, and you want to display a list of tasks to the user. You have an array of task objects, and you need to create a view that showcases each task and allows the user to edit or delete them. Sounds simple, right? Well, it’s not as easy as it seems. The problem lies in how you manage the array and its corresponding views, ensuring that changes to the array are reflected in the view and vice versa.

The MVVM Pattern to the Rescue

The MVVM architecture provides a clean and efficient way to handle this problem. By separating the View from the ViewModel, you can focus on managing the array and its related logic in a single place. The ViewModel acts as an intermediary between the View and the Model, exposing the necessary data and functionality to the View.

Step 1: Set Up Your ViewModel

Let’s start by creating a simple ViewModel that holds an array of tasks. We’ll use a `Task` struct to represent each task, and an `@Published` property to store the array of tasks.

// Task.swift
struct Task: Identifiable {
    let id = UUID()
    var title: String
    var description: String

// TaskViewModel.swift
class TaskViewModel {
    @Published var tasks: [Task] = []

Step 2: Create a View that Displays the Array

Next, we’ll create a `TaskListView` that displays the array of tasks using a `List` in SwiftUI. We’ll inject the `TaskViewModel` into the view and use the `@ObservedObject` property wrapper to observe changes to the `tasks` array.

// TaskListView.swift
struct TaskListView: View {
    @ObservedObject var viewModel: TaskViewModel

    init(viewModel: TaskViewModel) {
        self.viewModel = viewModel

    var body: some View {
        List(viewModel.tasks) { task in
            VStack(alignment: .leading) {

Step 3: Modify Elements from the Array

Now that we have a view that displays the array, let’s add functionality to modify elements from the array. We’ll create a `TaskEditView` that allows the user to edit a task’s title and description.

// TaskEditView.swift
struct TaskEditView: View {
    @ObservedObject var viewModel: TaskViewModel
    let task: Task

    init(viewModel: TaskViewModel, task: Task) {
        self.viewModel = viewModel
        self.task = task

    @State private var newTitle: String = ""
    @State private var newDescription: String = ""

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            TextField("Title", text: $newTitle)
            TextField("Description", text: $newDescription)
            Button("Save") {
                self.viewModel.updateTask(self.task, with: self.newTitle, and: self.newDescription)

Step 4: Update the ViewModel with Changes

In the `TaskEditView`, we call the `updateTask` method on the `TaskViewModel` when the user saves changes. This method updates the corresponding task in the `tasks` array.

// TaskViewModel.swift (updated)
class TaskViewModel {
    @Published var tasks: [Task] = []

    func updateTask(_ task: Task, with title: String, and description: String) {
        if let index = tasks.firstIndex(where: { $ == }) {
            tasks[index].title = title
            tasks[index].description = description

Step 5: Implement Array Operations

To complete our view, we need to implement array operations such as adding, removing, and rearranging tasks. We’ll add corresponding methods to the `TaskViewModel` and call them from the `TaskListView`.

// TaskViewModel.swift (updated)
class TaskViewModel {
    @Published var tasks: [Task] = []

    // ...

    func addTask(_ task: Task) {

    func removeTask(at offset: Int) {
        tasks.remove(at: offset)

    func moveTask(from source: Int, to destination: Int) {
        tasks.move(from: source, to: destination)

// TaskListView.swift (updated)
struct TaskListView: View {
    // ...

    var body: some View {
        List {
            ForEach(viewModel.tasks.indices, id: \.self) { index in
                TaskRowView(task: self.viewModel.tasks[index])
                    .onTapGesture {
                        // Navigate to edit view
                    .onDelete { indexSet in
                        self.viewModel.removeTask(at: indexSet.first!)
            .onMove { indices, destination in
                self.viewModel.moveTask(from: indices.first!, to: destination)
        .toolbar {
            ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) {
                Button("Add Task") {
                    // Add new task to the array
                    self.viewModel.addTask(Task(title: "New Task", description: ""))


Voilà! You now have a fully functional view that displays and modifies elements from an array using Swift, SwiftUI, and the MVVM architecture. By following these steps, you’ve successfully decoupled your View from your Model and managed the array-related logic in a single place. Pat yourself on the back, developer!

Bonus: Common Gotchas and Tips

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind when working with arrays and views in SwiftUI:

  • Use `@Published` and `@ObservedObject` correctly**: Make sure you use `@Published` to expose the array to the View and `@ObservedObject` to observe changes to the array.
  • Manage array indices carefully**: When working with arrays, it’s easy to get index out of bounds errors. Make sure to handle these errors gracefully and update indices correctly when inserting or removing elements.
  • Use ` identifiable`structs**: Using `Identifiable` structs for your array elements helps SwiftUI keep track of changes and updates the view correctly.
  • Keep your ViewModel lightweight**: Avoid storing complex logic or computations in your ViewModel. Keep it simple and focused on managing the array.
Array Operation ViewModel Method View Action
Add Task `addTask(_ task: Task)` Button tap
Remove Task `removeTask(at offset: Int)` Swipe to delete
Rearrange Tasks `moveTask(from source: Int, to destination: Int)` Drag and drop

By following these steps and tips, you’ll be well on your way to mastering views that display and modify elements from an array in Swift/SwiftUI/MVVM. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get ready to tame the beast that is handling views that display and modify elements from an array in Swift/SwiftUI/MVVM! Below are the top 5 FAQs to help you master this crucial skill.

Q: How do I bind an array of elements to a SwiftUI View?

A: To bind an array of elements to a SwiftUI View, use the `@Published` property wrapper in your ViewModel to declare the array, and then use the `$` symbol to create a binding to the array in your View. For example, `@Published var myArray: [ElementType]` in your ViewModel, and `@StateObject var viewModel = ViewModel()` and `List(viewModel.$myArray)` in your View.

Q: How do I update the UI when an element in the array changes?

A: To update the UI when an element in the array changes, use the `@Published` property wrapper in your ViewModel to declare the array, and then use the `onChange` modifier in your View to detect changes to the array. For example, `@Published var myArray: [ElementType]` in your ViewModel, and `List(viewModel.$myArray) { element in … }.onChange(of: viewModel.myArray) { _ in /* update UI */ }` in your View.

Q: How do I handle user input to add or remove elements from the array?

A: To handle user input to add or remove elements from the array, use a function in your ViewModel to update the array, and then use the `@State` property wrapper in your View to create a binding to the input. For example, `func addElement(_ element: ElementType)` and `func removeElement(at index: Int)` in your ViewModel, and `@State var userInput: ElementType` and `Button(“Add”) { viewModel.addElement(userInput) }` in your View.

Q: How do I handle errors when modifying the array, such as when a user tries to add a duplicate element?

A: To handle errors when modifying the array, use a Combine publisher in your ViewModel to emit errors, and then use the `sink` function in your View to subscribe to the publisher and handle errors. For example, `@Published var error: Error?` and `func addElement(_ element: ElementType) { … }` in your ViewModel, and `viewModel.$error.sink { error in /* handle error */ }` in your View.

Q: How do I optimize performance when displaying a large array of elements?

A: To optimize performance when displaying a large array of elements, use lazy loading and pagination in your ViewModel to load only a subset of the array at a time, and then use the `LazyVStack` or `LazyVGrid` in your View to efficiently render the elements. For example, `func loadMoreElements()` in your ViewModel, and `LazyVStack { ForEach(viewModel.elements) { element in … } }` in your View.