How Can I Recreate a Stack from Scratch (Using TypeScript CDKTF) and Keep Existing State?
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How Can I Recreate a Stack from Scratch (Using TypeScript CDKTF) and Keep Existing State?

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Welcome, fellow infrastructure-as-code enthusiasts! If you’re reading this, chances are you’re struggling to recreate a stack from scratch using TypeScript CDKTF while preserving your existing state. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of recreating a stack from scratch, keeping your existing state intact. Buckle up, and let’s dive in!

Understanding CDKTF and State Management

Before we begin, it’s essential to understand the basics of CDKTF and state management. CDKTF (Cloud Development Kit for Terraform) is an open-source framework that enables you to define cloud infrastructure in code using TypeScript, Python, Java, or C#. CDKTF provides a higher-level abstraction than Terraform, making it easier to manage complex infrastructure deployments.

When it comes to state management, CDKTF relies on Terraform’s state management capabilities. Terraform stores the state of your infrastructure in a file called `terraform.tfstate`. This file contains information about the resources you’ve created, including their properties, dependencies, and relationships. When you recreate a stack from scratch, you’ll need to manage this state file carefully to avoid losing your existing infrastructure.

Gathering Prerequisites

Before we start recreating the stack, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • TypeScript installed on your machine (version 4.1 or later)
  • CDKTF installed on your machine (version 0.11 or later)
  • Terraform installed on your machine (version 1.0 or later)
  • Your existing `terraform.tfstate` file
  • A basic understanding of TypeScript and CDKTF

Step 1: Initialize a New CDKTF Project

Let’s create a new CDKTF project from scratch. Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

npx cdktf init --template typescript

This command will create a new CDKTF project with a basic directory structure and a `main.ts` file. This file will serve as the entry point for our CDKTF application.

Step 2: Create a New Stack

In the `main.ts` file, create a new stack by adding the following code:

import * as cdk from 'cdktf';
import * as aws from '@cdktf/provider-aws';

export class MyStack extends cdk.TerraformStack {
  constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.TerraformStackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    new aws.AwsProvider(this, 'aws', {
      region: 'us-west-2',

    // Add your resources here

const app = new cdk.TerraformApp({
  stackTraces: false,

new MyStack(app, 'my-stack');


In this code, we’re creating a new `MyStack` class that extends the `cdk.TerraformStack` class. We’re also defining an AWS provider with the region set to `us-west-2`. This is where you’ll add your resources, but for now, leave it empty.

Step 3: Preserve Existing State

To preserve your existing state, you’ll need to import the state from your old `terraform.tfstate` file. Create a new file called `state.json` in the root of your project with the following contents:

  "version": 4,
  "terraform_version": "1.0.0",
  "serial": 1,
  "lineage": "1234567890abcdef",
  "outputs": {},
  "resources": []

This file contains the basic structure of a Terraform state file. You’ll need to populate the `resources` array with the contents of your existing `terraform.tfstate` file. You can do this by running the following command:

terraform show -json > state.json

This command will export the contents of your existing state file to the `state.json` file.

Step 4: Create a State Backend

To manage the state of your infrastructure, you’ll need to create a state backend. CDKTF supports several state backends, including Terraform Cloud, AWS S3, and local storage. For this example, we’ll use a local state backend. Create a new file called `cdktf.json` in the root of your project with the following contents:

  "terraform": {
    "required_providers": {
      "aws": {
        "version": "3.25.0"
    "required_version": "1.0.0",
    "state": {
      "backend": {
        "local": {
          "path": "state.json"

This file tells CDKTF to use the local state backend and points to the `state.json` file we created earlier.

Step 5: Recreate the Stack

Now that we have our state backend configured, let’s recreate the stack using CDKTF. Run the following command:

npx cdktf synth

This command will synthesize the Terraform configuration for your stack. CDKTF will use the state information from the `state.json` file to recreate the resources in your existing infrastructure.

Step 6: Deploy the Stack

Once the synthesis is complete, you can deploy the stack using the following command:

npx cdktf deploy

CDKTF will deploy the resources in your stack, using the state information to update or create resources as necessary.

Step 7: Verify the Stack

After deployment, verify that the stack has been recreated successfully by running the following command:

npx cdktf output

This command will display the output of your stack, including the resources and their properties. Verify that the resources match your existing infrastructure.


Recreating a stack from scratch using TypeScript CDKTF while preserving existing state can be a complex task. However, by following these steps, you should be able to successfully recreate your stack and maintain your existing state. Remember to carefully manage your state file and backend to avoid losing your infrastructure.

CDKTF Command Description
npx cdktf init --template typescript Initialize a new CDKTF project with a TypeScript template.
npx cdktf synth Synthesize the Terraform configuration for the stack.
npx cdktf deploy Deploy the stack using the synthesized Terraform configuration.
npx cdktf output Display the output of the stack, including resources and their properties.

By following this guide, you should be able to recreate your stack from scratch using TypeScript CDKTF while preserving your existing state. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is CDKTF?

A: CDKTF (Cloud Development Kit for Terraform) is an open-source framework that enables you to define cloud infrastructure in code using TypeScript, Python, Java, or C#.

Q: How does CDKTF manage state?

A: CDKTF relies on Terraform’s state management capabilities, storing the state of your infrastructure in a file called `terraform.tfstate`.

Q: Can I use CDKTF with existing Terraform configurations?

A: Yes, CDKTF can import existing Terraform configurations and manage them as part of your CDKTF application.

Q: What is the difference between CDKTF and Terraform?

A: CDKTF provides a higher-level abstraction than Terraform, making it easier to manage complex infrastructure deployments. Terraform is a lower-level infrastructure-as-code tool that requires more manual configuration.

Q: Can I use CDKTF with other cloud providers?

A: Yes, CDKTF supports multiple cloud providers, including AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and more. You can use CDKTF to manage infrastructure across multiple cloud providers.

Frequently Asked Question

Recreating a stack from scratch using CDKTF (TypeScript) while preserving the existing state can be a daunting task. Fear not, dear infrastructuralist, for we have the answers you seek!

What is the first step in recreating a stack from scratch while keeping the existing state?

The first step is to import the existing Terraform state into CDKTF. You can do this by using the `cdktf import` command, which will convert your Terraform state into a CDKTF-compatible format. This will ensure that your existing infrastructure is preserved and can be managed using CDKTF.

How do I recreate my stack’s resources using CDKTF?

Once you’ve imported your existing state, you can recreate your stack’s resources using CDKTF by defining them in your TypeScript code. For example, if you have an AWS S3 bucket, you can define it using the `S3Bucket` construct from the `aws-s3` module. This will create a new CDKTF resource that mirrors your existing infrastructure.

What about my existing infrastructure’s dependencies? How do I preserve those?

CDKTF takes care of dependencies for you! When you define your resources, CDKTF will automatically detect dependencies between them and create the necessary relationships. For example, if you have an EC2 instance that depends on an S3 bucket, CDKTF will create the necessary dependencies between the two resources.

How do I ensure my CDKTF code is correct and doesn’t break my existing infrastructure?

Before deploying your CDKTF code, you can use the `cdktf diff` command to preview the changes that will be made to your infrastructure. This will show you a detailed diff of the changes, allowing you to catch any errors or mistakes before they’re applied to your live infrastructure.

What if I need to make changes to my infrastructure after recreating the stack?

The beauty of CDKTF is that it’s a living, breathing representation of your infrastructure! If you need to make changes, you can simply update your CDKTF code and run `cdktf deploy` to apply the changes. CDKTF will detect the differences between your code and the existing infrastructure and make the necessary updates.